The story behind Daniel Wellington begins with a trip half way around the globe where Filip Tysander, the founder of Daniel Wellington, met an intriguing gentleman from the British Isles. The man had the inspiring ability to be genteel but still relaxed and unpretentious. He had an impeccable style and loved to wear his watches on old weathered NATO straps. His name? Well, Daniel Wellington, of course.
A strong friendship emerged between the two, and our founder was inspired not only by the man’s many great life stories but also by his class and timeless style of fashion.
The preppy trend is bigger than ever before but we felt that there was an empty space in the watch market. There was something missing and the Daniel Wellington team aims to fill that gap.
Our vision is that when someone thinks of a preppy dressed person, he or she is wearing a Daniel Wellington watch.
When Filips line of watches then came to be launched, it was therefore no insecurity that the brand would be named after Daniel Wellington.